
Carl Sandburg Middle School Directory

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StaffJob TitlePhoneContact
Ambriz-Arteaga, Jessica Paraprofessional 847-949-2707 
Baron, Nancy Paraprofessional - Resource 847-949-2707 
Best-Gilbert, Tina Paraprofessional 847-949-2707 
Brown, Dawn Registrar/Records Secretary 847-949-2707 x6001
Bryant, Daniel Assistant Principal 847-949-2707 
Buchman, Ashley Teacher 847-949-2707 x6062
Cantu, Homero Physical Education Teacher 847-949-2707 
Cantu, Cassandra Paraprofessional - Resource 847-949-2707 
Cardenas, Valeria Teacher 847-949-2707 x5038
Chen, Xing Custodian 847-949-2707 x6031
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